
08:00 AM- 09:00 AM

Registration and Refreshments

09:00 AM- 09:20 AM

Driving India’s Digital Evolution: The Role of Smart Data & AI in powering the New Era of Innovation

  • Outlining the goals of the India AI Mission, focusing on its role in accelerating AI development and integration across various sectors
  • Detailing the creation of comprehensive AI computing infrastructure including the deployment of advanced GPU resources
  • Highlighting efforts to create large-scale, smart data models that enhance AI capabilities across various sectors

09:20 AM- 09:40 AM

Building Smarter Governments: Leveraging AI and Data Analytics in Shaping Effective Public Policy

  • Revolutionizing impact of AI and data analytics in public policy creation, addressing complex challenges and improving governmental effectiveness
  • Implementing advanced analytics to elevate the accuracy and effectiveness of government decisions
  • Utilizing smart data to anticipate public needs and trends, enabling proactive and agile responses in policy making and service delivery

09:40 AM- 10:00 AM

Blueprinting Future Insights: Designing a Modern Data Architecture for Enhanced Organizational Agility

  • Aligning data architecture with organizational goals to ensure that data initiatives effectively drive business objectives
  • Analyzing the critical aspects of modern data architecture like scalability, optimized data delivery and data access sharing
  • Understanding meta-data tagging with auto generated labels using text analysis ; content-based recommendations for related datasets

10:00 AM- 10:20 AM

Ethical Data Governance: Achieving a Balance between Privacy, Accountability and Innovation

  • The critical role of data anonymization in preserving privacy by removing personally identifiable information
  • Emphasizing the importance of actively identifying and mitigating bias in AI algorithms by utilizing diverse and inclusive datasets
  • Evaluating different governance models for overseeing ethical data practices such as centralized vs decentralized data governance

10:20 AM – 10:40 AM

Augmenting Human Judgement with Decision Intelligence: Enhancing Decision-Making through Advanced Analytical Systems

  • Discussing the latest advancements in analytical systems that are driving a new era of decision-making, offering insight and predictive power
  • Exploring how intelligent systems are designed to complement and enhance human judgement, creating a synergy that leads to more effective decision making
  • Addressing the implications of integrating these systems, including how they align with and support broader business goals

10:40 AM - 11:20 AM

Panel Discussion

Charting the future of Generative AI: Transformative developments and Emerging trends beyond 2025

  • How generative AI is set to achieve median level of human performance by the end of this decade
  • Examining the role of sophisticated AI models in predicting and dynamically using natural language patterns to drive automation
  • Exploring the advancements in AI technology that are set to automate key aspects of knowledge work such as decision-making and collaboration

11:20 AM- 11:50 AM

Networking Break & Visit to Exhibitor Lounge

11:50 AM- 12:10 PM

Revolutionizing Infrastructure with Geospatial Data and Smart Analytics: Enhancing Efficiency and Innovation

  • Leveraging geospatial data to design and manage infrastructure projects with unparalleled precision leading to smarter urban environments
  • Using smart analytics to analyze the data for real-time monitoring and predictive maintenance of infrastructure
  • Integrating data to develop advanced infrastructure solutions, including intelligent transport systems and smart grids adapting to evolving urban demands

12:10 PM- 12:30 PM

Smart Data and the Future of Customer Experience: Crafting Adaptive and Hyper-Personalized Journeys

  • The use of predictive analytics to anticipate customer needs and preferences before they express themselves
  • Highlighting the importance of integrating data across various customer touchpoints and channels to create a cohesive and seamless experience
  • How real-time data analytics enable businesses to dynamically adjust and personalize customer interactions

12:30 PM – 12:50 PM

Unleashing the Power of Advanced Analytics: Harnessing Advanced Technologies to Forge Unparalleled Insights

  • Exploring how AI and machine learning models are becoming increasingly sophisticated in predicting trends, consumer behaviors and operational challenges
  • Discussing the use of advanced algorithms and neural networks to uncover patterns and forecast future outcomes with greater accuracy
  • Discovering the technologies, including GPT-4 and newer models, that are transforming the landscape by creating novel insights from extensive datasets

12:50 PM – 13:10 PM

Unified Data Cloud Architectures: Bridging Silos and Empowering Seamless Integration Across Enterprise Systems

  • Examining how unified data cloud architectures integrate disparate data sources, providing a comprehensive and accessible view of organizational information
  • Looking into how cloud-based solutions connect various enterprise systems, streamlining workflows and ensuring data consistency
  • Exploring the unified data cloud strategies which enhance scalability and flexibility, enabling businesses to adapt swiftly to market changes

13:10 PM – 14:10 PM

Lunch & Visit to Exhibitor Lounge

14:10 PM – 14:50 PM

Panel Discussion

Empowering Women in AI: The Transformative Impact on Innovation and Leadership in Emerging Technologies

  • Examining how diversity and inclusivity are critical to fostering breakthrough innovations in AI
  • How women are transforming leadership dynamics within AI organizations and influencing strategic decisions that shape the industry’s future
  • Exploring how women-led AI innovations are driving fundamental changes in different industrial sectors

14:50 PM – 15:10 PM

Big Data as a Catalyst for Business Intelligence Innovation: Redefining Analytical Precision and Strategic Vision

  • Leveraging big data to refine analytical methodologies, enabling more accurate and insightful data interpretations that drive strategic business outcomes
  • Integrating diverse big data sources to foster innovation in business intelligence, that support data-driven strategic initiatives
  • Utilizing advanced big data techniques to develop a forward-looking strategic vision, uncovering new opportunities and trends that align with long-term business goals

15:10 PM – 15:30 PM

Strategic Integration of Generative AI and Data Analytics: Driving Enterprise-Wide Data Transformation for Efficient Business Outcomes

  • Delving into methodologies for aligning generative AI with enterprise data systems
  • Analyzing the methods for integrating diverse data sources with artificial intelligence and analytics platforms to create a unified data ecosystem
  • Discussing how generative AI can augment traditional data analytics by providing deeper insights and more sophisticated analysis

08:00 AM- 09:00 AM

Registration and Refreshments

09:00 AM- 09:20 AM

India’s Data Oasis: The Keystone of a New Digital Era for Governance and Economic Leadership

  • Defining the Data Oasis as a game-changing initiative that integrates and optimizes data across all centers
  • Showcasing how the Data Oasis will enable data-driven governance by offering real-time insights and predictive analytics
  • Explore how the Data Oasis will stimulate a surge in innovation by providing access to vast datasets for research and development

09:20 AM- 09:40 AM

The Evolution of AI: Redefining Data Quality and Performance Through Adaptive Data Architecture

  • Exploring how emerging adaptive data architectures are designed to handle large scale data challenges
  • Analyzing the improvements in data quality through adaptive architectures that directly influence the performance of AI
  • Examining the future of trajectory of data architecture and AI, including anticipated trends and emerging technologies

09:40 AM- 10:00 AM

Transforming Data Complexity into Clarity: Building End-to-End Automation for Actionable Business Intelligence Dashboards

  • Discussing the critical steps in automating the entire data pipeline- from data collection and integration to processing and transformation
  • Explore how integrating advanced analytics can uncover hidden patterns, predict future trends, and provide actionable insights
  • Addressing the importance of data quality and governance in the context of automated data validation, error checking mechanisms and compliance measures to ensure that data feeding into dashboards is accurate and reliable

10:00 AM- 10:20 AM

Adaptive Governance: The Crucial Enabler for Transformative AI Implementations

  • Examining the role of adaptive governance in establishing flexible frameworks that effectively oversee AI implementations
  • The impact of adaptive governance on ensuring that AI practices adhere to ethical standards
  • Reviewing how adaptive governance contributes to seamless AI integration, improves operational efficiency and drives successful outcomes

10:20 AM – 10:40 AM

AI and Big Data: Accelerating Telecom’s Digital Revolution and Redefining Industry’s Boundaries

  • Exploring how AI is enabling telecom companies to evolve from traditional network management to intelligent self-optimizing systems
  • Discussing how the integration of Big Data is revolutionizing operational efficiency, from real-time performance monitoring to advanced predictive maintenance and its role in reducing operational costs
  • Role of AI-driven automation in transforming end-to-end service management within telecom organizations

10:40 AM- 11:20 AM

Panel Discussion

Transforming Organizational Dynamics Through Data Democratization: The Impact of Widespread Data Access

  • Addressing the ways democratized data uncovers new opportunities and insights, reshaping how information is leveraged across the organization
  • Examining the shift in organizational culture with accessible data, promoting a data-centric approach
  • Evaluating the effects of widespread data access on streamlining operations and boosting performance

11:20 AM- 11:50 AM

Networking Break & Visit to Exhibitor Lounge

11:50 AM- 12:10 PM

Ensuring Data Trust and Quality in Modern Data Stacks: Strategies for Building Resilient and Reliable Data Ecosystems

  • How establishing robust data governance frameworks help in maintaining data trust and quality
  • Delving into the use of automated tools and techniques for monitoring and ensuring data quality
  • Analyzing the importance of integrating data from various sources and ensuring interoperability between different systems and platforms

12:10 PM- 12:30 PM

Revolutionizing Global Data Landscapes: Strategic Approaches to Metadata Management and Data Cataloging

  • Exploring advanced strategies for using metadata to unlock powerful insights and drive strategic initiatives
  • Examining state-of-the-art data cataloging technologies, including AI and machine learning which are transforming global data integration and global accessibility
  • Discussing how the emerging technologies, such as blockchain and quantum computing are poised to revolutionize metadata management

12:30 PM – 13:10 PM

Panel Discussion

The Art of Data Visualization: Creating Impactful Narratives for Strategic Insights and Decision-Making

  • Exploring techniques for creating visually compelling stories that clearly communicate complex data
  • Discussing how advanced visualization methods can be embedded into strategic process to drive informed decision-making
  • Examining approaches to assess the effectiveness of data visualization in delivering actionable insights

13:10 PM- 14:10 PM

Closing Remarks & Visit to Exhibitor Lounge

*The above is a running agenda and is subject to change